Bush/North/Gregg/Etc Indictment

To: Friends who know the CIA = Drugs R Us

I am forwarding the URL below, where an 18pg grand jury indictment against
most of the top criminals of the Ollie North enterprise can be found.

As you will note, even those who forwarded this to me are not able to verify
its authenticity at this time.

What is interesting, however, is the extensive detailed information within
it, and how closely it conforms to other similar doucments I have seen or
read as well as many of the known facts surrounding this whole sordid tale.

If it's not the real thing, which it probably isn't, then someone who knows
the law spent a great deal of time creating it.

I am interested in your informed opinions, and anything you may be able to
lend to the need to verify whether or not this is bogus.

While I'll take any small victory that comes my way, in hoping to get my own
govt out of the drug business, it's a bit hard for me to conceive that my
wildest dreams would come true, and I would miss the whole stankin' event.

Here's the pasted text from the email I received.

Go visit the site, to see it.

Katheryn Nicol

The 18 page document is a photo copy and the quality is degraded when it is

The web site: http://www.calneva.com/honor

This URL has the 18 pages in a larger format as some readers where not able
to get readable copy.

The document's authenticitry is not ascertainable at this time.

The print is a bit hard to read as the enlargement shows all the lack of
quality of a photo-copy.
