Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 16:34:47 -0800 (PST)

Here is a brief report from the S.F. Focus group meeting - The bomb shell of the evening was that Ginny Berson stood up right at the beginning and declared that Larry Bensky had been given his talk show as of April.

Now what we and Tomas Moran should all have done is walked out of the room since this does make the whole process into a farce. Adding one level of farcity is that there was a question added to the questionnaire: What did we think about the Larry Bensky Show? One person aptly responded that he had not heard it yet. Quite a few people said they did not think it was such a good idea, a few others liked it though.

A great African American woman, former local board member,said as we walked away after the meeting: "We are all nice people, we participated in our humiliation." That's how I myself feel - although it did warm my heart that almost everybody had serious criticism of Pacifica, KPFA, programming and sturcture.

the following flyer was handed out at the San Francsico focus group meeting where ostensibly KPFA management was asking for input on program changes.(meting date was 1/27/97) Today I received the wording of a letter sent by Jerry Brown to his supporters. Dated January 14 he states: "In 1997, we are expanding the radio show to two hours each day and putting it up on the NPR (National Public Radio) satellite so that dozens of additional cities can tune in. This requires a major increase in preparation and research for which we need your financial help."

When we presented the flyer below Ginny Berson only admitted to having given Larry Benky his show. She denied any decisions had been made regarding Jerry Brown. My flyer elicited many comments on Jerry Brwon's show and a surprisingly large number of people voted to have his show cut to 2 hours per week! Maria Gilardin


Dear Friends,
Tonights meeting is a bit of a farce - we are being asked for input BUT:

Three important program changes have already been made

Jerry Brown was urged to extend his daily show to two hours and was promised distribution on the NPR satellite.

Larry Bensky has been given a daily one hour talk show - also with national satellite distribution.

Flashpoints is in grave danger:
When KPFA General Manager Marci Lockwood announced to the local board at the November 1996 meeting that seven new national Pacifica shows (including Helen Caldicott and Larry Bensky) were funded for satellite distribution she responded to a question from us that Flashpoints was not one of them.

When GM Marci Lockwood was asked by the Bay Guardian whether Flashpoints was slated to be cut she said that "she could not confirm nor deny" it - phrasing that we usually get from the State Department, TV cop-shows or the CIA - there it is always is a euphemism for "Yes!"

Please help us save Flashpoints and take back KPFA

Take Back KPFA
P.O.Box 13557

Berkeley, CA 94712

voice-mail (510) 464-4629
