Recent FCC enforcement actions against
so-called radio pirates have made the headlines around the country. Is
the FCC taking appropriate action against these unlicensed operators?
Yes: 18% |
No: 82% |
are a needed element in our individual communities. Only these small stations
can actually meet the needs for the average citizens in addressing local issues
and local entertainment. We need commercial radio, but we also need the voice
that micro-broadcasting gives to the small community."
"The FCC is
using Gestapo tactics. Berkley, Aug 2,1998. They should be using their efforts
to solve an interesting First Amendment question. This is the United States
not some Facsist country. Why is the NAB allowed to dictate the control of the
U.S. airwaves?"
"First they
need to stop the Gestapo tactics like they used against Brewer and Kobres in
Fla. last year. Next they need to seriously consider authorizing low-power FM
(and AM) or reinstating the Class D license at the very least. One thing is
for certain, if the stations are allowed to go after the micros, this will become
vigilanteism at its worst. Soon even the licensed stations would be going after
each other. If only they would sue each other out of existence, then it would
be worth it."
"Get back to
basics. Prosecute the stations that are actually causing physical harm to the
band. Aren't our taxes high enough already, without financing high-jinx SWAT
team raids against these peanut powered Mr. Microphones?"
"Don't enforce
regulations against part-time pirates that don't cause interference; only attack
full-time and irresponsible operations."
"I would allow
them to operate as long as their equipment was certified and deemed to not cause
"It has become
clear in this day and age of the corporate buy-out of America that some sort
of LPFM service needs to be passed, so that these 'pirates' can have access
to the airwaves and radio will return to local live programming!"
"Start a low-power
FM radio service that is available to the public."
radio should not be littered with operators unwilling to file for a License.
And no policy should be set for a minimal 10 watt channel license to legitimize
"The FCC should
change the rules regarding micro radio. It is clear that too few large corporations
own too many stations in every market in the country. This is the main impetus
for the so-called pirate broadcasts. The public feels that the FCC is no longer
serving its interests, but rather the interests of the large corporations with
the wealth and lobbying power. The public has no voice on the airwaves at all
anymore. This injustice is being corrected with civil disobedience and illegal
broadcasts all over the country. My sense is that such broadcasts will continue
until the rules are changed. The FCC would make life a lot easier for itself
and the listeners of this country by reinstating Class D licenses and giving
the airwaves back to the public to whom they belong under the Constitution."
"Leave them
alone unless they are truly interfering with other stations and have a dirty
"Pirate Radio
is an act of electronic civil disobedience against the inequities in radio today.
Many people who used to work in radio have turned to piracy after being squeezed
out by consolidation in commercial media or 'professionalization' in non-commercial
radio. The FCC should enforce for actual, shown interference to licensed services,
as per the standards in part 73 for broadcast stations. They should not run
around enforcing for potential for interference until the low-power FM issue
has been resolved."
"Catch up with
the 'real' modern times and legalize some form of mradio. Times are a changing,
and there a lot of small communities that need what this medium can provide."
"I would like
to see FM bandwith space reserved for non-commercial radio. Licensing for these
stations should be available at low or no cost, so long as there is no commercial
advertising, or huge sponsorships. Wherever there is space unused on the dial
that can be used without causing any major interference problems should be open
to use by the local communitie(s). DJs should be able to ENJOY the creating
of good radio shows that inform and /or entertain the cummunity listener. Radio
should return to being an artform and method of communicating truthful information
that is unbiased by corporate commercialism and/or rich influential people(s).
It can and should be fun and informative. The listener as well as the DJs enjoying
radio as creative expressiom, recieving or broadcasting valuable, interesting,
and helpful information should be the spirit of radio that is kept alive. There
is enough room for corporate commercialism pro-consumer-based broadcasting as
well as basic enjoyment of a myriad of choices in content, music,diverse culture,
and DJ personnalities on the bandwidth. Folks want programming from DJs who
are on the air for the love of creating fine shows for the listener. They want
to hear local music, obscure music, local culture, poetry, truthful information.
The list of unheard, want to/need to be heard goes far beyond what I can fit
[here where I have] submitted to you what I have to say regarding the basic
need and rights to free speech/expression over the airwaves that is sadly and
dangerously all but dissapeared from the citizens of the so called 'land of
the free' America. (Land of the fee, a better discription of what now currently
exists here.)"
"I would let
the micro radio movement [have] licenses for under 100 watts. What's it going
to hurt? But my requirements would be the same [as] found in the AMENDED version
of RM-9208 about who may set up this type of station. People operating station
equipment would have to have a General Radio Telephone License OR an Amateur
Radio license, Technician Class. That way there is some knowlege of transmitters
and other electrical stuff that is needed to set up a station without 'interference,'
as the NAB claims their would be. Hams regulate their own frequencies now, so
why can't they be trusted in something like this?
The AMENDED version of RM-9208...
Our original version set a power ceiling of 1 watt, which we subsequently learned was too low. The AMENDED version of RM-9208 sets up two Tiers, with power ceilings based on transmission ranges: TIER ONE: Power ceiling is a transmission radius set at the HIGHER of: (a) 1 mile; OR (b) the number of miles to the farthest boundary of the nearest community of 500 people or more. "Fast track" licensing. No type approval required. No engineering study required. We call Tier One stations "Neighborhood Stations".
TIER TWO: Power ceiling is a transmission radius of 5 miles. 50 watts would fit in comfortably here, according to an FCC Conversion Table. (It would be a 3-4 mile transmission radius, depending on antenna height, the FCC Table says. In practice, the signal would probably go farther, but that's the "official" number.) Heavier regulatory oversight here: Normal track licensing. Engineering study required. No type approval required, BUT people operating station equipment would have to have a General Radio Telephone License OR an Amateur Radio license, Technician Class. We call Tier Two stations "Community Stations". You COULD get licensed in Tier One and file later for an upgrade to Tier Two, BUT you would have to "take your chances" in terms of competition with others who want to be licensed for Tier Two. Thanks."
"No, I think
the FCC is missing the point. For the most part they confiscate equipment and
just try to coerce these people off the air. It's as if supermarkets were going
around knocking over fruit stands. The fact is, it is not so unreasonable to
think that we could authorize 'ordinary people' to operate low power stations
for the benefit of their neighborhood. Radio equipment has come a long way,
and once properly setup, a station of say 50 watts or so is not hard to operate
Remember when you had to have a First Class FCC License? The FCC could allocate some frequencies for this purpose, and monitor for interference. I think there's a need for truly non-commercial radio venues, and that the FCC is being far too considerate to an industry which has become lazy and condescending in terms of providing programming for their audience (i.e., the public whose interest they are supposed to be operating in). I'm advocating non-commercial, small scale, broadcasting. It's not such a big threat, and in fact it could be a breeding ground for good talent. I've listened to some of these stations, and some of them do a very good job serving niche audiences, groups too small or unpopular to be important to the existing broadcasters. These 'pirate' broadcasters are doing the work that most broadcasters don't want to do anyway. They should be legalized and left alone so long as they stay on frequency and within power limits. They should be allowed enough power to have sufficient population available to them to attract a core of listeners and volunteers able to keep things going. Some of the FCC proposals have been laughable in this regard."
"I feel that
micro-broadcasting is a fundamental right of free speach. The FCC should set
up space to allow micro-broadcasters to operate."
"[Offer] public
access for non-commercial stations using less than 100 watts, provided they
keep from interfering directly with licensed stations. Decisions amongst micropowered
stations to be addressed by participating in a local democratic micropowered
radio community."
"Despite deregulation,
radio is still a public trust which should not be merely the province of the
wealthy. While any small business can operate a free press, the same opportunity
is unavailable to the small business person who wishes to exercise those same
rights in broadcasting. This is an inequity which must be addressed through
a re-evaluation and restructuring of broadcast policy and practices to allow
the common citizen access to the "public" airwaves -- especially during this
time of airspace overpopulated with big business concerns (ex: SFX Broadcasting).
We are overdue to insist that an open forum be created and acted upon."
"What's illegal
is illegal. But mass ownerships are NOT good business. Only the rich can play
the radio game."
"Devote more
resources (more timely response to reports of pirate activity)."
"They really
should consider licensing these low-power stations, as it would allow the government
to receive more funds via fees and perhaps change the face of radio by giving
us commercial broadcasters a run for the money. With groups owning 3 or more
stations in a market, the variety isn't there anymore."