A Free Radio Richmond reporter had the following telephone conversation with Rep. Tauzin's office...
"Chris Maxwell" <wrfr_rva@hotmail.com>
MRN: Just spoke to Tauzin LA ... Daugher DOES work for NAB
Date sent:
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 14:40:44 PST
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I just got off the
phone with ____ (I missed his name, was passed to him
by secretary), however,
given his knowledge of the LPFM proposals, I
suspect he is an
I asked if Rep. Tauzin's
Daughter worked for the National Association
He said, "She has, for many years."
I then said, "That sounds like conflict of interest."
He said, "No its
not, if you look at the law, Conress sets the policy and
the FCC carries
it out."
I then asked,"what constitutes policy?"
He admittedly said something that did not stick in memory.
Then he more or less
repeated that "we are sending a strong message that
we want the FCC
to consult Congress ..."
I,"What constitutes
consulting, after all, they are having a comment
period now. Isn't
that consulting?"
He repeated the stuff
about policy in slightly different wording. He then
made goodby noises,
I asked for his name, he slammed the phone in my ear!!
Now, the secretary
only had me on hold for about 15 seconds, suggesting
that he was very
handy, and he knew exactly what the issues were and the
whole phone call
took less than a solid minute!!!
He sounded very harassed, or maybe he was just naturally an asshole.
Either way, Tauzin's
aide did NOT like the "conflict of interest"
S, Max