Results of the vote
at KOOP-FM (Austin, Texas)
regarding the disclaimer on union busting at Pacifica

Date sent: Sun, 11 Jan 1998
Subject: Pacifica disclaimer (KOOP)

Vote Tally

Yes - 26
No - 4
Abstain - 8

Here is the vote of the programmers at KOOP radio at the first meeting where we discussed and voted on the Pacifica disclaimer. At this meeting we were pressed for time because I requested from our GM that this be put on the agenda and that we be given enough time to discuss it. When we got to the meeting it was not on the agenda and the GM said there was very little time for discussion. We decided to vote on the issue by passing this sheet of paper around the room, then people asked for more information. So we gathered all the information and voted again at the next programmers meeting and voted again. I'll post the minutes of that meeting as soon as I can dig them out. Here is proof that this decision was not made by a "some of the activists" and was a democratic decision.

Comrade Odekirk

Yes ---

1. C. Paul Odekirk No comments
2. Michael Bluejay No comments
3. Temple McKinnon No comments
4. Rose Imperato No comments
5. John Hitzfelder No Scab Programming! I think we should let Pacifica know that if they de-certify the union we will consider dropping them.
6. Mehrdad Omrani Informative Disclaimer only
7. Melanie West If strict info.
8. Karen Fleshman No comment
9. Joshua Freeze As harsh as you wanna be on Pacifica They're lame anyway
10. Rene Renteria No comment
11. Artie Rothschild No comment
12. Rod Moag No Comment
13. unreadable (cut from copy. Is on original) Would like to see the disclaimer first
14. Theresa Taylor Give an informative disclaimer. There is no such thing as unbiased news. To do nothing is to support Pacifica corporate management
15. Donna Hoffman Yes. Informative disclaimer NOT taking sides- staying mum IS taking sides, is consenting to anti-human corporate manuvers
16. Colette Henricks Yes. Ditto, A disclaimer that informs and does not condone union-busting if in fact that is happening
17. Mike Buck No comment
18. Amanda Krebs No comment
19. Jay Robillard No comment
20. Andy Flynn No comment
21. Thomas Vinton Yes, The Hoffman disclaimer
22. Flor Olivier Vinton(?) No comment
23. unreadable (cut from copy. Is on original)
24. Kerim Peirce No comment
25. Otlilio Jacobs (Les) Informative disclaimer not taking sides
26. Brian Bilich informative disclaimer

No --

1. David Davis Don't take sides
2. John Hauser Station should be neutral on all issues. Individual programs can be used to air union position such as labor shows
3. Charles Martin Ditto, until we have more neutral & well rounded information about the issue then we were presented today, there should be no railroading of this issue across the participants of this meeting. You can't make informaed choice without real information (Note from transcriber: We also gathered more information and voted again at the next monthly meeting and the vote was still 75% for the disclaimer)
4. Jim Calliguri I'd like to see more from both sides first.

Abstain -------

1. John Duncan No comment
2. I. Lopez No comment
3. David Kay Further debate
4. Marlon McAllister Further info
5. Jeffery Filla I think few or no people would be opposed to a simply informative disclaimer. nobody but a small handful of people feels informed enough to decide on a disclaimer that contains an official station position on the issue.
6. Wayne McDilda Need more info.
7. Phil Ayliffe PSA stating neutrallity of station on issue. Announce positions of both sides and let the listener decide.
8. Chuck Freeman No comment

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