From: Tomas Moran
Subject: KPFA Forums (was KPFA mtg in San Rafael)
Report of the Facilitator oooooooooooooooooooooooo
response to comments on the Palo Alto, San Francisco and Marin forums

As the "facilitator" of the six KPFA listener forums now in progress, I do not merely "collate" the responses and deliver them to management.

I agreed to the request by KPFA management to facilitate six listener forums, given the understanding that I would deliver a report to management and to the Local Advisory Board.

I negotiated the format and the questions with management. I accepted the role because I felt, and still feel, that the process was fair enough and the questions open enough, such that I will be able to deliver a report that will carry sufficient weight. Management and the Local Advisory Board will receive a report from a process that they have requested, adding to the possibility that the report will make a difference.

I have made these things clear in my opening remarks in all forums, and individually to each table in all forums. I have also said I am doing this independently, though at the request of management, and that I am volunteering my time (i.e., not paid).

While anyone is free to make unfounded assertions as to my motives, my ego, etc., others that took the time to listen came away with different impressions of what I'm trying to do. One can also read my report, which I hope to have ready 3-weeks after the last forum. It may give "filtering" a new meaning, if that is what you think I am doing.

Two other posts (one about San Francisco, one about the Palo Alto forum) were fairer and more objective.

There are other items to which I will respond after I have completed the report.

I urge those of you signed up for Oakland and Berkeley to take the opportunity to particip ate with intelligent, specific, and visionary comments in the remaining forums.

Tomas Moran -- End --

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