This week we continue with our series on the international grassroots inquiry into the unanswered questions of 9/11. This program will focus on what are known false flag operations, acts of violence performed covertly by one countery or political faction which is then blamed on another country or group in order to create a pretext for war, repression or other state objective. Our speakers tonight will discuss some examples from history involing covert operations of this sort by the US government , and they will place 9/11 within this context. Featured Speakers: Mya Shone, Ralph Schoenman |
This week, more presentations by independent investigators at the international inquiry on 9/11 held in San Francisco in March. We will place 9/11 in context of the planet's dwindling oil resources and the closed-door decisions about how to deal with the phenomenon of peak oil that have apparently already been made by the Ameican power elites - to defend corporate capitalism at any cost, even if that means species extinction. This places 9/11 in a high stakes context that may change the way you look at the issue of 9/11's unanswered questions. Featured Speakers: Richard Heinberg, Greg Palast, Mike Ruppert, Daniel Hopsicker |
Presentations from the event held in San Francisco March 28-28, 2004, featuring:
Presentations from the event held in San Francisco March 28-28, 2004, featuring:
Presentations from the event held in San Francisco March 28-28, 2004, featuring:
Broadcast of "Inqusitions" a new radio drama by Greg Guma on the Haymarket martyrs, the govrtnmrnt crackdown on anarchists in the late 18th and early 20th centuries, and the attacks by Capitalists and government on workers agitating to reduce the workday to eight hours. This play feautures Lucy Parsons as the central character. |
Yesterday was earth day and today women marched in Washington DC to protest the right wing government's attempt to roll back hard won gains under law. This election season, pollsters ask voters which issue they consider of top importance: the economy, the war, the environment and so on. But the degradation of our bioshpere, a economy of " haves" and "have nots" and resource wars under the guise of high flow ideologies or bogus threats are are part and parcel of a civilization based on hierarchy and commodification. Our featured speaker tonight, environmentalist and author Derrick Jensen, argues that this "civilization" cannot save the envronment or itself, and must be brought down. Also, we conclude our readings from the book Disciplined Minds by Jeff Schmidt...but first a brief report from Israel and Palestine from Grace Ritterr , an Ithaca resident who travelled with a peace delegation ro be present for the release of Israeli anti-nuclear activist and whistleblower Mordecai Vanunnu earlier the week..