The myths and realities of US military intervention past and present, and its connection to multinational oil interests. For the first ninety minutes, a talk by Historian Howard Zinn on the myth of the cold war. Then, we'll take a look at Ecudaor, where the poor are fighting back agaisnt the looting of their country by transmational corporations and banks. |
What options and actions are open to the rest of us, given that our elctoral process has failed to give us real choices, and our nominally democratic government is in thrall to corporate power?. What should we do, and how should we do it? In the first hour of the program, we'll hear two speakers, Michael Albert of Z Magazine and Ward Churchill, Native American activist/scholar, on the subject of mass protest. In our second hour, we'll address workers rights, from factories in china to farms in Oregon. |
Speakers are SUNY journalism professor Karl Grossman, David Parnas , a former defense department scientist, and a soldier turned peace activist Bruce Gagnon. The evidence they present comes from government documents, conferences and defense contractor trade publications. It is chilling stuff, because it makes quite clear that the purpose of the so-called national missle defense program, also known as Star Wars is not to defend democracy, BUT to eradicate it. For more info, see the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space |
We're going to devote our first hour to a documentary commerating the life of the much mourned and courageous Judi Bari of Earth First, who passed on in 1997 at the age of 48 years from cancer, after surviving a bomb blast several years earlier that was meant to take her life, and stop her work. In the second hour, we'll hear from three women activists: Cindy Milstein, who teaches at the Insitute for Social Ecology in Plainfield, Vermont. Her work focuses on how direct democracy can be implemented on a local level now to return decision making to people's hands. Today, we're going to hear a presentation of her essay Reclaim the cities, from protest to popular power.--- which she gave at the Renewing the Anarchist Tradition Conference in Plainfield Vermont last year.
Alexis Buss, General Secretary of the Industrial Workers of the World and Jerri Hildebrand. of AREN, the alternative religions educational network a non-profit network about an open letter being distributed by AREN in response to the GW Bush proposal to funnel tax dollars to faith based groups to address social problems. Who decides what is a legitimate religion, and on what basis other than their personal prejudices? |
On the program this week, organizing against global corporate control. First, a new organization with new tactics against Citigroup, which is financing global deforestation, and them a forum on the upcoming Free trade Area of the Americas Summit and what it means to us. |
Ithaca College forum on private prisons, water privatization and an interview with Chuck Collins, author of "Economic Apartheid in America" |
First, a talk by anti-racist activist Michael Novick on the philosphical issues underlying community organizing. In the second hour a talk by Professor Angela Davis on the impacts of the prison industrial complex and the death penalty on a free society. |
Government as a tool of wealthy and powerful interests is nothing new; rather it is the primary reason that governments exist. If you don't believe that consider this simple fact: corporations and plutocrats have caused the death and emmiseration of millions of people, yet how many CEO's are there on death row or in the burgroning prisons of America? Law enforcement agencies have most often been used against political dissidents, and as we will hear tonight, the FBI was created to suppress radical movements that challenged the plutocracy. And nothing has changed. Tonight, we will devote most of the program to a talk by activist and scholar Ward churchill on the history of political repression against movements of equality and freedom in the United States, Then, a report on a miner's strike in Ontario, where we can see in a current context, the same historical dymanics that Churchill discusses, and, also, what it takes to defeat this unholy alliance of corporate and state power. And to close, the facts behind that swindle called electricity deregulation, which is now plaging California, and could be coming to your state soon. |
We conclude with the final half hour of the documentary we aired last week, Anatomy of a sacrifice zone, about how people and environment of the small rural town of Oxford in New jersey is being poisoned by a waste incinerator that they didn't want while the incinerator's operators import waste from outside the locality to maximize thier profits, and government officials turn a blind eye. Then, a report on the inaguaral protests from Washington, DC... |
Imagine a small rural town near a lake in a beautiful but economically depressed area, filed with tree covered hills, streams. wineries, farms and dairies, a place like home. It's not Ovid, or Trumansberg or Union Springs, but it could be. Tonight we're going to hear about the town of Oxford, in Warren County, in rural northwest New Jersey and how it is being poisoned to death by a waste incinerator, forced on the town against its will. We will hear how the town of Oxford became a "sacrfice zone" More info from Coyote Nation Press |
Tonight we're going to look at schools and education from a variety of perspectives, environmental, political, and social. In our first hour, we're featuring an interview with pioneer educator Jonathan Kozol, and an alarming report on how toxics in the environment may be affecting the mental development of children. In our second hour a documentary, that looks at the trend of replacing personal attention with technology, and why its failing.... |
A new presidential administration is about to be imposed. It began with a stolen election and is likely to proceed like a gang rape, with ourselves and our environment as the victims, unless we fight back. Now that the GW Bush's cabinet has been made visible, it is clear that American might will be brought to bear on behalf of certain special interests, the oil industry chief among them. One of their special targets is the Artic Wildlife refuge, which they hope to turn into an oilfield. First in the program tonight, a documentary on that special place now under threat. Then. we'll look at another devastating project that will be sure to get lots of attention - the Free trade Area of the Americas, the extension of Nafta's profits over people program to the entire western hemisphere. |
In our first hour, we conclude our series on biotechnology with an examination of the tactics and propaganda mechanisms being used by the biotech industry to push their products on an unwilling or unknowing public. In the second hour, we look at the relationship of religion and politics, including a talk by Micharl Parenti on the role organized religion in supporting state repression historically. |
Hour 1 Big Money Bad Science Panel on Biotechnlogy "Sowing the Seeds of Empowerment- Citizens' actions in response to globalization." Panelists: Lindsay Keenan: manages GM Free Task Force, for Greenpeace UK Denny Henke: founded the Memphis Social Ecology Project and is a spokesperson for GenetiX Alert, a direct action oriented anti-GMO network Cathleen Kneen: founding member of the Mission Farmers' Market and the editor of BC Organic Grower, the quarterly magazine of the Certified Organic Associations of BC. Hour 2 Students at Ithaca College Protest Sodexho Marriott and Private Prisons; Talk Show host sues Cornell university over freedom of information on it's biotech filed experiments. Resources: Concerned about GMO's in your food? See the on-line guide to supermarket brands at Biotech Action Network - Direct Action Against Biotech Crops |
In our first
hour, a panel "Science and the Public Interest." This focuses
on how commercialization of science, the drive for patentable, and therefore
profitable areas of inquiry are destroying the public interest underpinnings
of scientific research.
In our second hour, we take a look at biomedical research and the ethical
questions it poses. PLease pay close attention to the second panel if
you or a loved one is a diabetic who uses insulin. You will hear how bioengineered
insulin is not the miracle drug that it is cracked up to be, but has been
responsible for the sudden death of many people, and also how some proponents
of biotech hope to realize a nightmarish vision of the future, a brave
New world.
This program
features 2 panels from the Big Money Bad Science Teach In recorded in
Vancouver, BC on November 10, 2000 recorded by the Vancouver
IMC HOUR 2 "For Whose Benefit? Biomedical Research- Biomedical, pharmaceuticals, genetic screening, human genome project. " Panelists: Arthur Teuscher, MD: director of the Diabetes Centre at the Lindenhof Hospital in Bern, Switzerland Marcy Darnovsky, PhD: research coordinator at the Exploratory Initiative on the New Human Genetic Technologies Gregor Wolbring, PhD: founder and coordinator of the International Network on Bioethics and Disability Concerned about GMO's in your food? See the on-line guide to supermarket brands at Music featured in this program is by Sieze the Day |
For the next several weeks, we're going to bring you sound from a forum on Biotechnology, Big Money Bad Science that took place on November 10, 2000 in Vancouver, Canada. Tonights panelists are author Maude Barlow, Chairperson of the Council of Canadians, an expert on the anti-democratic impact of international trade agreements; Dr Ann Clark, Associate Professor in the Plant Agriculture department of the University of Guelph; Dr Mae-Wan Ho, Director of the Institute of Science in Society in London, England; and Dr. David Suzuki, Chair of the David Suzuki Foundation, an award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster. Concerned about GMO's in your food? See the on-line guide to supermarket brands at |
During the 1972 presidential election campaign, the Watergate Scandal broke into the press. Two reporters from the Washington Post, Bob Woodward and Carl Berstein, followed a story of a burglary at the Democratic headquarters that exposed a conspiracy that led all the way to the Nixon whitehouse. Nixon, ultimately resigned to avoid impeachment. This story of the Free Press keeping government honest has been held up as evidence that the system works. The reality is that the press is rarely a watchdog of the public interest, and is increasingly less so due to the its subordination to the financial interests of its owners. In this program, we're going to hear from Professor Robert McChesney, speaking on Rich Media, Poor Democracy. Then a report of the efforts to neutralize the last remaining independent radio network, Pacifica Radio, and a talk by Democracy Now host Amy Goodman on the state of journalism today. |
Michael Parenti speaks on "A Republic Against Caesar" a comparative history between ancient Rome and the modern US. Galen Tyler of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union on organizing the poor and the Poor People's World Summit. |
Various speakers including historian Howard Zinn and satirist filmmaker Michael Moore are in the first half. The secong hour is Ralph Nader's speech. For more information on the Nader campaign, and the ongoing efforts to build the Green Party, |
Report back from the demonstrations in San Francisco against the National Association of Brodcasters. Includes sounds from the street and highlights from presentations and teach-ins about the NAB and Free Radio. For more info on how to apply for an LPFM license: |
Tonight we're first going to hear about the policy implications of the drug war and the role played by the CIA. Bruderhof Radio interviewd former DEA undercover agent Mike Levine, who is now devoting his life to exposing how fraudulent the drug war is. Then we'll hear a panel which took place in Ithaca last May on reforming the Rockefeller drug laws, and how these laws have ruined the lives of tens of thousands of New Yorkers. |
Our featured speaker is Professor Noam Chomsky of MIT, who will speak on Propaganda and the Control of the public mind. This lecture and discussion will take up most of the program. We'll conclude with an analysis of the media coverage of the Nader campaign by Edward Herman, Co-author, with Chomsky of Manufacturing Consent, a book on how media is used to control the political perspectives of the American people. |
Tonight, we'll focus on the fight for low power community radio, also known as micro radio. We're going to air a video documentary by Kevin Keyser, Free Radio, which we have adapted for radio. During the last week, media activists confronted the National Association of Broadcasters at their convention in San Franciso. Resources: |
What do radical labor unionists at the previous turn of the century have to do with Colombian agricultural workers at the turn of the milennium? The repression of the former by US State power has enabled the expansion of a global empire, that has impoverished billions in the name of profits for a few, and turned paradises into toxic wastelands in the quest for a quick buck. Tonight we're going to conclude our series of readings in the history of the repression of the radical labor movement in America, whose goal was to end the empire of greed. Then, we'll conclude with an interview with a Colombian human rights worker on how this same globalized empire has reduced workers to poverty and poisoned that nation's best farmland to grow flowers for export. We will begin with a lecture by Dr. Michael Parenti, The National Security State, at home and abroad which establishes the context, the use of state power, both military and police, for the protection of ability of the corporate elite to make the world their oyster. |
Tonight we're going to bring you a few things that the rulers don't want you to hear" -- news of a revolt against electricty deregulation in California, a speech by Ralph Nader, an interview with the latest union to endorse Nader, more on the history of the repression of the radical labor movement and a new commentary, live from death row, by Mumia Abu Jamal. |